Tickets & Tours

Museum of the Future Tickets

Explore Dubai’s Museum of the Future with our diverse range of ticket options designed to suit every visitor’s needs and preferences:

General Admission

Enjoy entry to the Museum of the Future and experience the future at your own pace. This option is perfect for budget-conscious travelers and those with limited time.

Skip-the-Line Tickets

Maximize your visit by bypassing the queues with our Skip-the-Line tickets. Gain swift access to the museum and spend more time exploring the future.

Guided Tours

Step into Dubai’s Museum of the Future with guided tours designed to unravel its intricate tapestry of innovation. Led by experts, these tours bridge the gap between present wonder and future vision, offering an enriched, insightful exploration of what lies ahead.

Group Tours

Traveling with friends or family? Choose our group tours to explore the Museum together, accompanied by a professional guide for a shared, enriching experience.

Combo Tours

Dive deep into Dubai’s essence with combo tours that pair the futuristic brilliance of the Museum of the Future with the city’s iconic attractions. Traverse from the visionary corridors of the museum to the bustling lanes of the Gold Souk, the soaring heights of the Burj Khalifa and the serene waters of Dubai Creek. Experience the magic of Dubai’s past, present, and future in a single journey.

Do you need tickets for the Museum of the Future in Dubai?

Planning a visit to the Museum of the Future in Dubai? It’s essential to note that purchasing tickets in advance is mandatory for entry. The museum, a testament to human ingenuity and forward-thinking, offers various ticketing options to enhance your experience. By choosing specialized ticket options, you tailor your visit to fit your interests and schedule. Whether it’s the deep knowledge offered by guided tours, the convenience of skipping long queues, or the added value and holistic experience of combo tickets, there’s a choice to optimize your Museum of the Future visit. Dive into tomorrow’s world, curated to your preferences today.

How much does it cost to visit the Museum of the Future?

A standard ticket for entry into this architectural marvel costs AED 149. This gives you access to a world where the boundaries of time blur, providing a glimpse into the innovations and visions of tomorrow.

For those seeking an enhanced experience, various premium options are available. It’s essential to note that the costs for the guided tours, skip-the-line tickets, and combo tours are variable, depending on the depth of service and the quality of experience they offer. Each of these options is tailored to meet different interests and provide value to the visitors, ensuring an unforgettable journey into the future.

Museum of the Future Tickets

Dubai Museum Tickets is a ticketing platform providing seamless access to the Museum of the Future.

Our mission is to offer exceptional service and curated experiences, connecting visitors with Dubai’s Gateway to the Future.